
Do you speak little or no Spanish? Then now is your moment! Here you will learn the basics of the Spanish language at a brisk pace (¡Muy rápido!). You can start at the beginning or go up a level. After the Básico courses you will be able to hold conversations with hispanohablantes and be ready for your trip in a Spanish-speaking country! (European Level A1).

Check out the course dates below.

Course outline

8 teaching weeks

1.5 hour lesson

2 hours of homework p/week


Básico 1

What will I learn in this course?

If you do not yet speak Spanish at all or know a few words and phrases, you can start at this first level.


After the course you will have learned the basics of Spanish in a short time. You will be able to say who you are, where you are from, what you do and ask your interlocutor this. You will have a good basic vocabulary, know pronunciation, conjugations and numbers.



At this level you mainly learn to tell about yourself and ask others who they are, where they are from, exchange contact information and other basic information for everyday use.


You will learn the present tense, numbers, clocking, the use of masculine and feminine nouns, etc.

Teaching Materials

Compendio Básico 1 (syllabus) – AULA Internacional Plus 1

Básico 2

What will I learn in this course?

If you can already manage a little in Spanish and are somewhat familiar with the present tense (e.g., “Yo trabajo”) you can enter at this level.


After the course, you will be able to have short conversations about everyday topics, such as what you like and don’t like or what you did yesterday.



Topics include telling where you live, booking a hotel room, ordering, saying what you love, reading recipes, traveling around town, asking a favor, etc.


The completed tense (e.g., “Yo he trabajado”), Verbs like gustar. Imperativo (imperative, e.g., “Abre la puerta”).

Teaching Materials

Compendio Básico 2 (syllabus) – AULA Internacional Plus 1

Básico 2 conversación

What will I learn in this course?

This conversation course is designed for intermediate students who want to improve their Spanish speaking and listening skills.


As an entry level, you should at least know the present tense (“Yo trabajo”)and the completed tense (“Yo he trabajado”). You should also have made a start with the past tense Indefinido (“Yo trabajé”).


Students must have completed the Básico 2 course in Molinos de Viento, or have the A1 level of the European Framework of Reference.



Vacation plans, food and drink, your daily activities, family, etc.


No new grammar is covered in this course. The lessons will include occasional short grammar exercises to reinforce your knowledge.

Teaching Materials

PalabrasPoderoso Caballero (reading).

Básico 3

What will I learn in this course?

If you can make yourself understood reasonably well in everyday situations, are familiar with the (irregular) verbs in the present tense and already know a little about the completed tense (el Preterito Perfecto), then you can participate in the Básico 3.


At this level you strengthen your knowledge by repeating previous topics and delve into the extension of the past tense with the Indefinido. After this you will have a practical knowledge for traveling, or for making an appointment, going shopping, etc.





Topics include making an appointment, telling what you are doing, describing people and things, traveling and the weather.


Indefinido, Irregular Indefinido (e.g., Hiciste)

Teaching Materials

Compendio Básico 3 (syllabus) – AULA Internacional Plus 1 – Vacaciones al Sol (reading material).

Pre Intermedio

What will I learn in this course?

If you have already completed several courses and are familiar with the past tense, Indefinido (e.g., “Yo trabajé”), you can participate in the Pre Intermedio course.


At this level you will strengthen your knowledge by repeating previous topics such as the imperative and Indefinido. You will also work on pronouns (el Complemento directo y indirecto) After this course, you will have sufficient basic knowledge to advance to the Intermedio 1 course.




Topics include comparing things, body and illness, making plans, describing your past, etc.


Irregular Indefinido (e.g. “Hiciste”), Gebiedende wijs (herh.), Complementos directo / indirecto (e.g. “Me, te, lo, la, …”) etc.

Teaching Materials

Compendio Pre Intermedio (syllabus) – AULA Internacional 1 Plus- Una nota falsa (reading material).

Course calendar


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