¡Ay, Señor! Have you been through many courses? Do you already understand the articles from El País quite well and are you familiar with the different forms of the Subjuntivo? Then consider one of our Avanzado courses! Here you will learn to discuss current topics and work with complex temporal forms such as: ‘If I knew it was going to rain then…’ (European level B2.1)
Check out the course dates below.
11 teaching weeks
1.5 hour lesson
3 hours of homework p/week
What will I learn in this course?In the Avanzado levels, the basic grammar and topics covered in the Intermedio levels are repeated, nuanced and expanded with new forms, vocabulary and typical expressions.
Participation in these levels requires a solid knowledge of the language, although, for example, the use of all verb tenses is not flawless.
Upon completion of the Avanzado levels, level B2 of the European Framework of Reference has been achieved. |
ThemesYour childhood, the life of our grandparents, describing utensils, the house of the future, writing emails, food and cooking, health and body ailments GrammarPerfecto vs. Indefinido vs. Imperfecto, Futuro Perfecto (e.g. “Cuando llegues a casa, habré preparado la cena.”), Presente de Subjuntivo (e.g.. “Me pone nervioso que siempre llegue tarde”) and Imperfecto de Subjuntivo (e.g. “Antes me ponía nerviosa que siempre llegara tarde”), Cuando + Subjuntivo (e.g. “Cuando Juan esté aquí, empezaremos la clase”). Teaching MaterialsNuevo Español en Marcha 4 libro |
What will I learn in this course?In the Avanzado levels, the basic grammar and topics covered in the Intermedio levels are repeated, nuanced and expanded with new forms, vocabulary and typical expressions.
Participation in these levels requires a solid knowledge of the language, although, for example, the use of all verb tenses is not flawless.
Upon completion of the Avanzado levels, level B2 of the European Framework of Reference has been achieved. |
ThemesCharacters, relationships, emigrating, money matters, complaining, television consumption and programs, newspapers and blogs. GrammarWord structure (e.g., pensa-miento, oportuni-dad), relativos con preposición (e.g., “El libro del que te hablé ayer”), the neuter lo, estilo indirecto, expresiones de causa (e.g., “No llega tarde porque vive cerca.”), Porque + Subjuntivo (e.g., “No llega tarde porque viva lejos.”) Teaching MaterialsNuevo Español en Marcha 4 libro |