If you’ve already taken a lot of steps to learn Spanish, you’ll probably feel right at home with our Alto levels. At these levels we assume that you can handle past tenses (yes, all of them!) and that your vocabulary extends beyond everyday conversation. This is where you start reading articles in Spanish and where your grammatical knowledge goes in depth. (European B1 level)
Check out the course dates below.
11 teaching weeks
1.5 hour lesson
3 hours of homework p/week
What will I learn in this course?In the Alto levels, you will make a big step in your knowledge and command of Spanish.
After establishing a solid foundation in the Básico and Intermedio levels, in the Alto and succeeding Avanzado levels you will learn to use Spanish in a fluent and spontaneous way.
After the three Alto levels, you will be able to manage without difficulty while traveling in Spanish-speaking countries. You can maintain an ongoing conversation on various topics and talk at length about experiences and events, express your opinions and announce plans.
After Alto 3, you will have reached level B1 of the European Reference Framework. |
ThemesGiving advice (‘Deberías ir a la peluquería’), describing character (‘Es cariñosa pero cuando se enfada…’), describing feelings (‘Lo que no me gusta es …’), talking about before (‘Antes tomaba café’), health (‘Soy vegetariano’). GrammarCondicional (‘comería’), Perífrasis (‘dejar de’, ‘volver a’), Estar + Gerundio (‘estuve esperando’). Teaching MaterialsCompendio Alto 1 – Nuevo Español en Marcha 3 libro |